It has been a miraculous time of immersion and sharing.

2020 seemed to evaporate.

Sometimes I find myself wondering how an entire year of life could seem like mist.

2020 the year COVID made its mark on a global scale. I spent my days locked in my studio making, responding, reflecting, making.

Making without the usual tempering of emails and phone-calls and administration, of interruptions.

Making , such a strong anchor: such a life-saver, so grounding and in the moment.

Shared Reckonings grew inexorably day by day fed by the research of 2019 and liberal doses of uncertainty and the unfurling of a global pandemic and climate crisis.

In February 2021 Shared Reckonings was installed in the Museum of Economic Botany , the only one of its kind in the world, and the Deadhouse (the mortuary) in the heart of the Botanic Gardens of South Australia. The exhibition was selected to be a part of the Adelaide Festival of the Arts

(another miraculous event!) and remained opened to an appreciative public for three months. How extraordinary… to have this level of engagement, continuously for weeks on end. How lucky we were.

How lucky.

Graft  in progress. 2020  A eucalypt branch, charred in the Adelaide bushfires of 2019 is being measured up to encase it in thermoplastic

Graft in progress. 2020 A eucalypt branch, charred in the Adelaide bushfires of 2019 is being measured up to encase it in thermoplastic